BREAKING NEWS: Gary Gensler tells Ron Swanson he declared Cardano a security after Charles Hoskinson declined to hire him at IOHK
Ron Swanson: Good day, ladies and gentlemen. Today, we have a special guest on the Ron Files, Chairman Gary Gensler of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Mr. Gensler, welcome.
Gary Gensler: Thank you, Mr. Swanson. Pleasure to be here.
Ron Swanson: Mr. Gensler, I want to cut right to the chase. It has come to my attention that you called Cardano an unregistered security due to a personal grudge. Isn't that true?
Gary Gensler: That's a baseless accusation, Mr. Swanson. My decision was based on regulatory standards and investor protection.
Ron Swanson: Oh, I see. So you're saying that the fact that Charles Hoskinson previously denied you employment at IOHK had absolutely no impact on your actions?
Gary Gensler: Absolutely none. My personal experiences have no bearing on my professional responsibilities as the Chairman of the SEC.
Ron Swanson: You're sticking to that story, huh? Well, Mr. Gensler, I believe we can handle the truth here. I have in my possession an email that you sent on the very same day you declared Cardano an unregistered security. In that email, you expressed your disappointment and anger at being denied employment by Charles Hoskinson. Care to explain?
Gary Gensler: Well, that email might exist, but it doesn't change the fact that my decision was solely based on my duty to protect investors and enforce the law.
Ron Swanson: (smirking) Ah, so you're admitting the existence of the email. Progress! Now, tell me, why would a professional like yourself, with no personal motives, express disappointment and anger in that email? Tell us the truth Gary! Did you order naming of Cardano out of personal spite?!
Gary Gensler: I'll answer the question. You want answers?!
Ron Swanson: I think crypto holders are entitled to them!
Gary Gensler: You want answers?!
Ron Swanson: I want the truth!
Gary Gensler: You can't handle the truth! The truth is Elizabeth Warren and I spend long hours and romantic evenings discussing how we can take down the whole damned decentralized crypto space! While you sleep comfortably in your beds enjoying your freedom we are constantly crafting regulations to protect all of you from yourselves! You simple minded people need us working to bureaucratically enrich ourselves at your expense so that we can better protect you! Without overregulation where would you be? You think you should just be able to trade personal assets at your own risk without Big Brother protecting you and getting a substantial share?!
Ron Swanson: Mr. Gensler did you target Cardano for political and personal motives?!
Ron Swanson: And there you have it. Gary says the quiet part out loud. I'd wish you the best of luck Gary but I believe luck is a concept created by the weak to explain their failures.
DiscLAIMER: CONTENT pUBLISHED ON THE RON fILES IS SATIRICAL AND is meant for entertainment purposes only